STROFELD case № 173


Ein einzigartiger Hutkoffer aus den 30er Jahren mit Reiseaufklebern und Metallverschlägen hat es zu uns auf die Werkbank geschafft. Ein maßgefertigtes gebogenes Holzgehäuse im Inneren wurde in geduldiger Kleinstarbeit eingesetzt. Solche Koffer fordern unser ganzes Geschick, damit am Ende ein klangvolles Unikat entstehen kann. Wir meinen das Ergebnis kann sich sehen und hören lassen!

Available on back-order

Delivery time: made to order

STROFELD case № 173

Sound: Wir haben uns bei dieser Sonderanfertigung an dem Lieblingslautsprechers unseres Tontechnikers Jonathan bedient. Ein großgewachsener 20cm Breitbandlautsprecher aus dem Hause Sica (IT) wurde im Gehäuse des Hutkoffers in unserem Tonstudio klanglich perfektioniert. Ein hoher Wirkungsgrad mit unverwechselbarer feiner Stimmauflösung im Mittenbereich, macht den Lautsprecher besonders bei Jazz und Soul Liebhabern begehrt. 

Dieses Unikat ging Anfang 2023 nach Tokio/Japan und sorgt seitdem in einer angesagter Vintage-Boutique für erstklassigen Sound.

Analogue input 3.5mm AUX

Lossless aptX Bluethooth

Excellent sound

Long-lasting battery

Customised one-off

Lifelong repairability


STROFELD case № 173


Kategorie: Sonderanfertigung
Alter: ca. 1930
Material: Leinen


Maße (BxHxT): 40x40x22,5 cm
Gewicht: 8,6 kg


Verstärker: 1x100 Watt Class-D
Sound correction: Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
Klangmodi: Linear
Volume control: yes
Battery indicator (petrol station): yes
Long-life Li-Ion battery: 24V/4,850mAh


Running time: 18+ hours (at maximum volume)
Maximum sound pressure: 104 dB/1m
Frequenzbereich (von/bis): 60 - 19.000 Hz (-3dB)
Enclosure principle: Bass reflex
Housing material: reinforced birch wood
Signalwiedergabe: Mono
Lautsprecher: 20cm ausgezeichnete Papier Breitbandlautsprecher


Digital: aptX HD Bluetooth 5.0
Analogue: 3.5mm AUX
External WLAN extension on request

Scope of delivery

STROFELD case № 173
Charger 24V/90W EU plug
Vergoldetes AUX-Kabel 2m

STROFELD Manufaktur customised logo

How to get your STROFELD loudspeaker

Tell us what you need a speaker for and how we can reach you

We can convert almost any object into a sonorous STROFELD loudspeaker and ship our unique items worldwide. You can either send us your own case (or similar) or we can find something suitable for you from our extensive (case) collection. After you have contacted us, you have the option of sending us pictures and measurements via email, WhatsApp or Telegram and we will provide you with a detailed offer for your piece of jewellery after consultation with you or we will send you suggestions from our collection based on your preferences. 

Each of our unique products is personally tested by Jonathan Dornfeld using professional audio measurement technology to perfect the sound. Jonathan is the sound engineer of the manufactory and a luminary in his field. Over 150 customised products and 18 years of experience in loudspeaker construction ensure that every STROFELD loudspeaker sounds so outrageously good. His work is synonymous with faithful, detailed music reproduction. We will ask you in advance which music genres you like to listen to and what is particularly important to you. Based on your preferences, we will select the right audio components for you and tune your speaker to your individual preferences.

Our STROFELD cases are a real eye-catcher, and not just in the living room. Thanks to their customised production and special sound tuning, our unique pieces have already made a name for themselves in the classic car scene. The long-lasting rechargeable battery inside ensures more than 18 hours of sound experience at any volume when travelling. The robust housing of the case protects the electronics. A 5-year guarantee and the lifelong STROFELD repair service ensure that a STROFELD loudspeaker has no expiry date.

STROFELD loudspeakers are battery-powered active loudspeakers. This means that an audio amplifier and everything needed to play the music is securely bolted inside. Our carpenter manufactures a customised speaker housing from reinforced birch wood, whereby the case (or similar) is closed at the factory and connected to the housing. The controls and connections are freely configurable and can be positioned and coloured to match the case. The standard equipment includes the latest Bluetooth technology, an analogue 3.5 mm jack connection, a volume control including a freely selectable sound mode, as well as a rechargeable and long-lasting Li-ion battery. Further connections and extensions are available on request.

We manufacture our speaker creations to measure and not in bulk. The production time is approx. 4-6 weeks, depending on the order situation.

Various loudspeaker creations can be extensively tested in our manufactory in Innsbruck by making an appointment. In our partner shop "Mocca Mint - Home of Upcycling" in Vienna, further unique items are available during business hours. We are also happy to send test speakers to your home on request. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to find out which trade fairs we will be attending soon.

The price for a conversion depends on the desired audio technology and the amount of work required. The prices quoted for projects that have already been realised provide a guideline, which is reflected in the following scale:
    • Large cases from €2,600
    • Medium cases from €2,200
    • Small cases from €1,950
    • Doctor's case from €2,350
    • Customised products (clocks, chests, furniture...) on request
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